Brief explanation for Human Development Indicator (HDI).
The table shows the ranking of the first 53 countries according to the last calculation of the Human Development Indicator (HDI) (2004).
A. Explain briefly what does the HDI measure.
B. Elucidate briefly what you think the way in which the HDI is constructed. (Briefly means no more than five lines of text. Excesses are severely penalised.)
C. Mexico has a much higher income per capita than Cuba, even after considering differences in the prices of the goods and services in Mexico and Cuba. However, Cuba ranks better according to HDI than Mexico. Explain why this might be.
high muna development |
Norway |
0.965 |
iceland |
0.96 |
australia |
0.957 |
ireland |
0.956 |
swedon |
0.951 |
canada |
0.95 |
japan |
0.949 |
united states |
0.948 |
Switzerland |
0.947 |
netherlands |
0.947 |
finland |
0.947 |
luxembourg |
0.945 |
belgium |
0.945 |
austria |
0.944 |
denmark |
0.943 |
france |
0.942 |
italy |
0.94 |
united kindom |
0.94 |
spain |
0.938 |
new zeland |
0.936 |
germany |
0.932 |
hongkong, china |
0.927 |
israel |
0.927 |
greece |
0.921 |
singapore |
0.916 |
korea |
0.912 |
slowenia |
0.91 |
portugal |
0.904 |
cyprus |
0.903 |
czech republic |
0.885 |
bardodoes |
0.879 |
malta |
0.875 |
kuwait |
0.871 |
brunei darussalar |
0.871 |
hungary |
0.869 |
argentina |
0.863 |
poland |
0.862 |
chile |
0.859 |
bahrain |
0.859 |
estonia |
0.858 |
lithuania |
0.857 |
slovakia |
0.856 |
uruguay |
0.851 |
croatia |
0.846 |
latvia |
0.845 |
qatar |
0.844 |
seychelles |
0.842 |
costa rice |
0.841 |
united arab emirates |
0.839 |
cuba |
0.826 |
saint kitts and nevis |
0.825 |
bahamas |
0.825 |
mexico |
0.821 |