
explain biochemical tests bacterial testingit

Explain Biochemical Tests Bacterial Testing?

It deals with the various biochemical tests used to differentiate microorganisms. Identification of an unknown organism isolated from natural environment or any other source to a genus and species level is necessary to determine its characteristics, to exploit it industrially, to determine the cause of the disease or for its categorization into proper group or taxa. This can be accomplished by a combination of microscopic observations like morphology, cell size, shape and arrangement, gram staining and other staining reactions, motility etc. with cultural characteristics, nutritional requirements and biochemical tests. We will learn about the different microbial enzymatic activities and the importance of various biochemical characteristics in identification process in this practical.


After undertaking this practical, you will be able to:  

  • Recognize the different microbial enzymatic activities,
  • Explain the importance of various biochemical characteristics in microbial identification process,
  • Perform biochemical tests on a given bacterial culture, and
  • Differentiate bacteria based on their biochemical characteristics.

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Biology: explain biochemical tests bacterial testingit
Reference No:- TGS0293123

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