Instructions: Observe the interconnectivity of the questions. Provide examples and application to better explain your ideas. Summarize the thought and integrate your own ideas and opinions about such topic.
A. What is Aristotle's concept of Justice? What is a Good Man and what is his role in justice? What is Eudaemonia? In Achieving Justice, what is the rule law and what is it for? What are his thoughts about citizenship and slavery?
B. Discuss St. Augustine's concept of Justice. What is a just state? What is St. Augustine's Dualism in Political thought? Explain Augustine's Dualism in his discussion of the two cities. What is the commonwealth?
C. Compare Augustinian Political thought to St. Thomas Aquinas. What are the similarities and differences in their political thought? Describe the divine right theory and its role in Medieval politics.
D. Compare the three social contract theories. What is the state of nature for each theorist? What is the nature of man for each theorist? What is the function of the state for each theorist? Which of the three is the most amenable for you? Elaborate.
E. Explain the Economic Liberalism of Adam Smith. What is the Laissez Faire and how does it work? What is the role of the state? What is the division of labor and how did it help with economic growth? What is surplus wealth and what is its use?