
Explain at least three ways a person can teach by example


Each part must be 250 words and clearly labeled and in depth.

Part 1

Prepare: Read the article A Portrait of the Teacher as Friend and Artist: The Example of Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Hunter McEwan (2011) from the Ashford University Library. The article is attached as a PDF.

Reflect: As you take notes while reading this article, think about the importance of understanding the philosophy behind taking general education courses and how your courses have taught you to think more critically, build character, and become more open-minded to cultural differences, thereby paving the way for you to be successful in the career field you have chosen.

Write: For this discussion you will address the following prompts:

Describe at least three ways a person can teach by example according to the article and provide a personal example in which you have demonstrated this concept.

Explain how "teaching by example" influences the development of ethical and moral reasoning as well as cultural sensitivity and awareness.

"Rousseau categorically denies the educational power of example" (p. 513). Explain your agreement or disagreement with Rousseau's philosophy of education as it applies to your experience in gaining knowledge.

Part 2

Prepare: In order to prepare for this assignment, view the following tutorial from the Ashford University Library: Scholarly and Popular Sources - I can't send you the link, you can find a YouTube video on the subject.

Reflect: Good research is a combination of many types of sources. Prior to taking this course, did you understand the differences between these sources and the importance of finding one type of resource over another?

Write: For this discussion, you will address the following prompts:

Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research.

Locate and summarize one peer-reviewed, scholarly source and one popular source that pertain to your Final Argumentative Essay topic. In your summary of each article, comment on the following: biases, reliability, strengths, and limitations.

From the sources you summarized, list and explain at least five visual cues from the peer-reviewed, scholarly source that were not evident in the popular source.

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