
Explain as best you can your world view


Subject: Critical Thinking

World View-How Do You See the World?

1. Explain as best you can your World View. Be specific.

2. Explain how you decide what to believe in, what you value, and what you trust as truth. Who and what has shaped your thinking?

3. Has there ever been a time when your understanding of the world or the nature of reality changed dramatically, a "paradigm shift"?

4. If so, how did this change impact your beliefs, your concept of truth, and your sense of place in the scheme of things?

5. Remember: A World View is a comprehensive, mental conception of the universe, of life, and of humanity's relationship to existence.

You are writing a personal essay. You do not have to discuss matters that feel too private, but please don't skim the surface. Organize your material carefully. Build a paper that has a beginning, middle and end. Set forth premises and bring them to their natural conclusion. You do not have to offer answers about the way the world "is," only reflections of how the world seems to you. Think about what you take for granted, the things you assume are true for everyone.

Do not include religion, culture or ideology in your world view.

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