Explain and provide specific examples where applicable

Discussion Post

First, watch Igniting Creativity to Transform Corporate Culture. This TED Talk by Catherine Courage examines how creativity needs to be infused into the organizational culture to foster innovation and to challenge the status quo. Next, watch this Zappos Company Culture video. As you watch the videos, think about the various elements of effective organizational structure. In your initial post, answer the following questions:

a) Do you think the unique culture of Zappos will help or hurt the company in the long run? Explain and provide specific examples, where applicable.

b) Do you think more companies in the future will follow this model? Why or why not?

c) In your opinion, what company today could benefit from this unique strategy? Explain your rationale.

In responding to your peers, comment on the impact that organizational structure has on a company like Zappos. What dynamics are involved? Think about places where you have worked and how the culture impacted you.

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Explain and provide specific examples where applicable
Reference No:- TGS03146107

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