
Explain and provide evidence to support uniformitarianism

• Question I: Highly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) have become the treatment method of choice in treating human HIV infections. What is required for a treatment to be classified as HAART, and why have these treatments proven so effective in the treatment of HIV infections?

• Question II: Discuss how the proximal CMT1A repeat that appears near the gene coding for peripheral myelin protein-22 (PMP-22) has been used to examine the phylogenetic relationships between humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans and several other primates, and why this repeat provides evidence that supports the theory of descent with modification and against the theory of special creation.

• Question III: Explain and provide evidence to support uniformitarianism, and how this evidence refutes the theory of special creation.

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Biology: Explain and provide evidence to support uniformitarianism
Reference No:- TGS03296809

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