
Explain and properly utilise various types of software



This assignment assesses the Unit Learning Outcomes below; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them:

• Determine system requirements through requirements elicitation and workshops.
• Explain the process for, and execute, verification and validation of system requirements.
• Apply use case, data and process modelling techniques to specify system requirements.
• Compare and contrast different software engineering process models: waterfall, evolutionary, spiral, prototyping.
• Explain and properly utilise various types of software tests.
• Define system specifications including technical, economical and operational feasibility.

Length: 30 - 35 A4 pages.

Purpose of the assessment:

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a consolidated version of Extended SRS Analysis and Design Document for your project (i.e., the same project that you have chosen for Assignment #1).


Students to finalise SRS analysis and design document that they started in Assignment 1 and present their final work on week 12 during the laboratory session.

Students have to submit:

1. Students submit 'Extended SRS Analysis and Design Document' which contains the following design elements (using UML notations):

• Assignment #1 Progression: SRS document updates according to the changes in your ongoing project

• Recommended software engineering process model for your project, (waterfall/evolutionary/spiral/prototyping) and factors for selecting the process model

• Select any requirement verification method, and verify the user requirements with stakeholder

• Identify all the actors use cases

• Draw the use case diagram ((Entire system)

• Fully develop use case description (Any 2 use cases)

• Activity diagram (Any 2 scenarios)

• Sequence diagram(s) (Any 2 scenarios)

• Class diagram (Entire system)

• Verify user requirements with stakeholder and report requirement verification process adopted for your project

• System Specification including technical, economical and operational feasibility

• Software testing and acceptance criteria

• Final copy of the "Project Activity Journal" that shows weekly progress of team work

Team submission:

This is a group assignment, but only one member from a group will upload the ONE ZIP FILE on MOODLE.

References and appendices

• Reference sources must be cited in the appropriate section of the document.
• All cited references in IEEE style
• List all the appendices

Submission guidelines:

The report should have a consistent, professional, and well-organised appearance.

1. Your report should include the following:

• The cover page must identify students' (name and number), teaching staff, and assignment.
• The assignment must use 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font with appropriate section headings.

2. The assignment must be submitted in soft (electronic) copy under Moodle. The pages of the assignment must be clear on each page.

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Software Engineering: Explain and properly utilise various types of software
Reference No:- TGS02642623

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