
Explain and justify your position regarding the

Application: Biology, Genetics, and Substance Abuse and Addiction

The relationship between genetics and substance abuse or addiction is a source of some controversy in the field.

In this Application, you will consider how biological dispositions and genetics may influence substance abuse and addiction and develop a position on the topic.

To prepare for this assignment:

• Review this week's Learning Resources, focusing on the information about potential biological and genetic influences on substance abuse and addiction.

• Consider how biology and genetics may influence substance abuse and addiction.

• Think about your position regarding the influence of biology and genetics on substance abuse and addiction.

The assignment: (1-2 pages)

• Explain and justify your position regarding the relationship between biology or genetics and substance abuse and addiction.

• Support your views with information from the Learning Resources.


• Course Text: Substance Abuse Counseling
o Chapter 3, "The Major Substances of Abuse and the Body" (pp. 51-79 and 93-95 only)

o Chapter 4, "Etiology of Substance Abuse: Why People Use" (pp. 105-110 only)

Article: Prescott, C. A., Madden, P. A. F., & Stallings, M. C. (2006). Challenges in genetic studies of the etiology of substance use and substance use disorders: Introduction to the special issue. Behavior Genetics, 36(4), 473-482.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Article: Saxon, A. J., Oreskovich, M. R., &Brkanac, Z. (2005). Genetic determinants of addiction to opioids and cocaine. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 13(4), 218-232.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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Dissertation: Explain and justify your position regarding the
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