
Explain and evaluate rene descartes argument for knowledge

Explain and evaluate Rene Descartes argument for knowledge including the role of skepticism, the evil demon, and god in resolving his doubts.
Explain and evaluate Thomas Hobbes view that all objects are material, including thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Explain and evaluate John Locke’s Theory of Representative Realism and of primary and secondary qualities.
Explain and evaluate Benedictus de Spinoza’s view the “God is all” (or everything).
Explain and evaluate Benedictus de Spinoza’s view that we are determined to be free in the context of the notion of free will.
Explain and evaluate Anne Conway's monism in light of the fact that she argues for 2 distinct substances.
Explain and evaluate the two versions of epiphenomenalism: occasionalism and parallelism.
Explain and evaluate Olivia Sabuco de Nantes’s view on the connection between mind and body.
Explain and evaluate George Berkeley’s view that “to be, is to be perceived”.
Explain and evaluate Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s view of monads.
Explain and evaluate David Hume’s arguments against induction (including the notion of the role the principle of the uniformity of nature plays in the argument) and also arguments against cause and effect.
Explain and evaluate Immauel Kant’s notion of the noumenal and the phenomenal.
Explain and evaluate Hegels arguments against the noumenal.
Explain and evaluate Schopenhauer’s pessimism.
Which, if any of the philosophers in these chapters has a reasonable view of epistemology or metaphysics and why?

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