
Explain and critique the meditations and the argument for

Explain and critique the Meditations and the argument for the basicality of individual reason. In your exposition be sure to explain what is meant by a “foundation” and by the “understanding”, what is meant by rational and empirical justification, as well as how the Meditator argues for his position using skepticism. Then, explain the weaknesses in the Meditator’s argument. How is his argument vulnerable to objection? You may wish to bring up opposing arguments offered by other authors we read for the class ( Kant, Socretes, etc) , or objections offered up in class, as well as any of your own criticisms of the Meditator’s argument.

I am looking into the second Mediatation. I need some idea and a good head start to write an essay. Any external reading regarding the topic of discussion would be greatly appreciated. The bolded word are something i want to focus on.

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