
Explain an international marketing research


1. Culture is critical and essential for international marketing research; it affects every type of research study and inquiry for global markets. A global research study will only be successfulif it is based on a good understanding of a market's cultural background and the people thatare being interviewed. List the critical attributes of culture and how they affect a globalmarketing research study. Address the importance of language, history, regional location,religion, social class, and demographics for cultural impact. What are the key elements ofHofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory and how would you apply these to the cultural aspectof an international marketing research project (please address all five elements of the culturaldimension theory)?

How does the cultural component of international marketing research interact with theelements of the human-centric model (e.g., how does culture interact with the physical,emotional, and cultural aspects of the consumer decision-making process)? Whichelements of the human-centric model are most critical for global culture and why? Wheredo you see this evolving in the near future? Why? Finally, what constitutes a successfulinternational marketing research project from a cultural perspective? Justify your views withcontent from class PowerPoint decks and class readings.

2. Globalization is a permanent phenomenon within the marketing research discipline. It hasmany of the same characteristics as a domestic marketing research project. Each type ofstudy requires a business problem, a set of research objectives, a welldefined research design,research instrument, fielding, as well as analysis and reporting. However, a global marketingresearch project requires special attention to a number of items not found in a domesticproject. Identify these global attributes and indicate why they are critical for a globalmarketing research study.

Pay specifically close attention and describe the global aspects of the following:

a. The "levelof analysis" problem in global research

b. Defining the business problem across regions andvertically within client organizations

c. Identifying research objectives from both a global andregional/local standpoints

d. Development of a research design that incorporates both themethodological strategies as well as the globaland market aspects

e. Developing a qualitativeguide or survey for global markets

f. The use of translations and back translations to addressboth language translations and meanings across cultures and markets

g. Selecting the correctfieldwork and approach per culture or market

h. Interpreting the results based on culture andmarket location

i. Synthesizing and socializing key insights and foresights for a global clientaudience.

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Marketing Research: Explain an international marketing research
Reference No:- TGS02058331

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