
explain algorithm of er to relational mapping

Explain algorithm of ER To Relational Mapping ?

ER-to-Relational Mapping Algorithm:

1) Step 1: Mapping of regular entity types: For each strong entity type E, form a relation T which involves all the easy attributes of a composite attribute.

2) Step2: Mapping of weak entity types: For each weak entity type W along with owner entity type E, create relation R and involve all easy attributes (or simple components of composite attributes) of W as attributed of R. In addition, involves as foreign key attributes of R, the primary key attribute (s) of relation(s) which correspond to the owner(s) and the partial key of the weak entity type W, if any.

3) Mapping of relationship types: form a relation R, for relationship along with primary keys of participating relations A and B as foreign keys in R. Further to this, any attributes of relationship become an attribute of R also.

4) Mapping of multivalued attributes: For every multilvalued attribute A, form a new relation R. This relation R will involve an attribute corresponding to A, plus primary key attribute K-as a foreign key in R-of the relation which represents the entity category or relationship type that has A as an attribute.

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Database Management System: explain algorithm of er to relational mapping
Reference No:- TGS0282440

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