explain about the observation and classification

Explain about the Observation and Classification of Arthropoda?


In the previous unit you have examined the representatives of artliropoda.  In this unit, you will learn about some of the representatives of insects.  You have - already studied that insect body is distinctly divisible into head, thorax and abdomen.  The head bears mouth parts, a pair of compound eyes and a pair of antennae;  the  thorax is three-segmented, generally with  two pairs of wings and three pairs of jointed  legs  (hence also the name Hexapoda for the insects); the  abdomen is usually 11-  segmented and  is devoid of appendages.


After performing this exercise you should be able to

  • identify the insect specimens like Silver fish (Lepisma), Dragonfly, Locust,
  • Mantis, Gryllus, Pediculus,
  • classify the identified insects up to the level of the order,
  • list the characters justifying their classification and mention special features, if any,
  • mention the habit and geographical location of the identified insects,
  • draw labelled diagrams of the identified insects,
  • mention the economic importance, if any, of the identified insect

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Biology: explain about the observation and classification
Reference No:- TGS0307902

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