
Explain about prokaryotic family trees using nucleic acids


Question 1: Biologists have tried to re-construct prokaryotic family trees using nucleic acids from gene sequences, much like they do with animals and plants. However, their analyses, for the most part, have shown conflicting and variable results. Can you explain why?

Question 2: Plants evolved from a specific group of green algae called the Charophytes. Many groups of green algae show an alternation of generations like plants but there are no Charophytes that have an alternation of generation. How can your group explain this observation and what does this imply about plant alternation of generations?

Question 3: In April 1986, an accident at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine, scattered radioactive fallout for hundreds of miles. In assessing the biological effects of the radiation, researchers found non-vascular plants to be especially valuable as organisms for monitoring the damage. Explain why non-vascular plants would be the best experimental unit in comparison to other groups.

Question 4: If being diploid increase an individual's genetic diversity, why does your group think that most fungi spend the majority of their life cycle as an haploid or dikaryotic individual?

Please explain the answers of all the question.

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Biology: Explain about prokaryotic family trees using nucleic acids
Reference No:- TGS0882690

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