
Explain a type of management style

Complete the mcq:

1. Which law gives students the legal right to see all letters of recommendation written about them and also permits release of information about a student only to people approved by the student at the time of the request?

a. Equal Educational Opportunities Act (1974)

b. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974)

c. Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (1978)

d. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1990)

2. The information least likely to be obtained in reference checks and recommendations is

a. willingness of a previous employer to rehire the applicant

b. a description of the applicant's physical attractiveness

c. education and employment history

d. character and interpersonal competence

3. This type of management style is often associated with organizations in the embryonic stage.

a. Movers and shakers

b. Entrepreneur

c. Growth director

d. Freewheeling

4. Promotion-from-within policies must ______________, coupled with a company philosophy that permits employees to consider available opportunities within the organization.

a. include incentives to keep employees in their current positions

b. receive strong top-management support

c. respect seniority positions

d. anticipate training needs

5. The role of organizational culture in staffing is best applied if companies

a. avoid hiring only those who fit the specifics of the organization's culture

b. actively seek out those individuals who have values contrary to the organization's culture

c. staff only those who fit into the profile of the organization's culture

d. staffing decisions are independent of organizational culture

6. A soft-quota system

a. represents a mandate to hire specific numbers of women or minority group members

b. fails to recognize that discriminatory practices in the past may block prospective applicants from seeking present job opportunities

c. systematically favors women and minorities in hiring and promotion decisions

d. is a commitment to treat all races and sexes equally in all decisions about hiring, promotion, and pay

7. Which of the following statements about an aging organization is true?

a. It emphasizes the generation of cash to develop new product lines.

b. It is characterized by a heavy emphasis on product engineering.

c. It is concerned with building excellence in the management teams.

d. It demands extreme cost control through consistency and centralized procedures.

8. When implementing recruitment activities, initial consideration should be given to a company's __________, especially for filling jobs above the entry level.

a. minority groups

b. foreign subsidiaries

c. current employees

d. women workforce

9. _________ affect recruitment policies because firms often give preference to current employees in promotions, transfers, and other career-enhancing opportunities.

a. Internal labor markets

b. Labor market characteristics

c. Union employee percentages

d. EEOC guidelines

10. Recruitment begins by specifying __________, which are the typical result of job analysis and workforce planning activities.

a. pay grades

b. affirmative action candidates

c. human resource requirements

d. strategic imperatives

11. Which act requires third-party investigators to secure the applicant's written consent prior to doing a background check?

a. Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)

b. Fair Credit Reporting Act (1970)

c. Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974)

d. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999)

12. Which of the following statements about a company using a passive nondiscrimination posture is true?

a. It is a concerted effort by the organization to actively expand the pool of applicants so that no one is excluded because of past or present discrimination.

b. No attempt is made by the company to recruit actively among prospective minority applicants.

c. It systematically favors women and minorities in hiring and promotion decisions.

d. This posture recognizes that discriminatory practices in the past may block prospective applicants from seeking present job opportunities.

13. Which of the following is a concerted effort by the organization to actively expand the pool of applicants so that no one is excluded because of past or present discrimination?

a. Passive nondiscrimination

b. Pure diversity-based recruitment

c. Hard quotas

d. Diversity-based recruitment with preferential hiring

14. The step following recruitment is ________, which is basically a rapid, rough selection process.

a. initial screening

b. orientation

c. performance management

d. workforce planning

15. Typically, the first step in an employee's introduction to company policies, practices, and benefits is a(n) _________ program.

a. intensive training program

b. initial screening

c. team-building

d. orientation

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HR Management: Explain a type of management style
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