
Explain a specific research-based instructional practice


Read:In grades 4 to 6, literacy learners are refining their writing skills by expanding their vocabulary and organizing their thinking. Write 300 words. Using APA style and Reference.


1. Analyze and provide feedback based on the comparison of the writing samples.

2. Explain a specific research-based instructional practice that your colleague might use to address the writing needs of the intermediate literacy learner based on the writing sample provided.

3. Use your Learning Resources or your research to support your suggestion.


Education Northwest. (2013). 6+1 Trait writing.

Bottomley, D. M., Henk, W. A., & Melnick, S. A. (1997). Assessing children's views about themselves as writers using the Writer Self- Perception Scale. The Reading Teacher, 51(4), 286-296.

Dalton, B. (2012). Multimodal composition and the Common Core State Standards. The Reading Teacher, 66(4), 333-339.

Additional Writing Assessment Tools (noncognitive):

Wilcox, B., & Monroe, E. E. (2011). Integrating writing and mathematics. The Reading Teacher, 64(7), 521-529.

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