
Explain a person-to-person communication

Complete the below:

1 The form of speech presentation that involves organizing, preparing notes, and rehearsing is called:

memorized speaking.
extemporaneous speaking.
speech reading.
impromptu speaking.
platform speaking.

2 In addition to preparing the audience to receive the message, the introduction of a speech also should:

give the credentials of the speaker.
request the listeners' attention.
thank the listeners for their interest.
apologize for the speaker's shortcomings.
arouse interest.

3 Since the presenter usually cannot see the audience when delivering a virtual presentation, how can he or she keep their attention and get feedback easily?

By carefully anticipating the needs of the audience.
By questioning the audience before giving the presentation.
By using technology tools such as chat, polling, and so on.
By having assistants at virtual sites.
By testing the audience after the presentation.

4 Which of the following is the most important feature(s) of body language?

Physical appearance.
None of the above.

5 Business uses virtual presentations for the following reason.

to inform only
to persuade primarily
to both inform and persuade
to cover emergencies and crises only
to deliver bad news when face-to-face meeting isn't possible

6 How pitch, speed, and volume blend together is known as vocal__________.


7 Mark the statement that is not one of the Ten Commandments of Good Listening.

Put the talker at ease.
Close your eyes and concentrate.
Empathize with the talker.
Stop talking.
Ask questions.

Discuss below in a 250 words:

1.Much of the oral communication that goes on in business is the informal, person-to-person communication that occurs whenever people get together. Analyze and explain how the elements of good talking help us to communicate better?

2. Understanding the differences between virtual and face-to-face presentations is certainly becoming more important as business needs grow. Assess and explain the principal differences between face-to-face and virtual presentations. As an attendee or class participant, is seeing and interacting with the presenter of critical importance to you. Why or why not?

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