Tutorsglobe.com brings you unique solution in physics. What processes shape Earth's surface?
What processes shape Earth’s surface?
-Impact craters: bowl-shaped craters such as comets or asteroids crashing into the planets surface.
- Volcanism: the eruption of molten rock or lava from the planet's interior onto the planet's surface
- Tectonics: the disruption of a planet's surface by internal stress.
- Erosion: the wearing down or building up of geological features due to winds, ice, water and other planetary weather
How does Earth's atmosphere affect the planet?
- Ozone layer helps our planet by absorbing ultraviolet rays, while the atoms and molecules absorb x-rays up in the Earth's atmosphere.
- Greenhouse effect keeps the surface much warmer than it should be, thus allowing water to stay liquid form over most of the surface.
- Mercury and the Moon HAD geological activity in the past but not anymore. Planet mercury appears to have shrunk long ago, leaving behind long, steep cliffs.