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 What is a function generator?

A function generator is a part of electronic device that produce different patterns of voltage at a range of frequencies and amplitudes, it is used to test the reaction of circuits to a general input signal. The electrical leads from the device are connected to the earth terminal and signal input terminals of the appliance under test.

Why it's important?

Function generator let a person to pick the figure of the output signal from a tiny number of options.

Triangle wave; when the output signal goes from high to low voltage at a constant rate.

Sine wave; the output signal produces the curves like a sinusoid from high to low voltage.

Square wave; when the output signal goes directly from high to low voltage.

How to use it?

Turns a power supply on the function generator, the output signal wants to create the required shape.  Usually, this means connecting of the signal and ground leads to an oscilloscope to test the controls. Alter it until the output signal is accurate, and then connect the signal and ground leads from the function generator to the input signal and ground of the device under test. For example, the negative terminal of the function generator should connect to the negative input of the device, but generally connecting to ground is plenty.

What's amplification?

Amplification is the process by which the magnitudes of the variable quantity is increasing, especially the magnitude of voltage, current or power, without changing any other quantity.

Gain voltage; is the measurement of amplifier's voltage, ratio of the input to output voltage.

Voltage gain, in voltage (v), is defined as follows.

        Gain = v output/v input

Voltage gain, in decibels (dB), is defined as follows.

    Gain = 20log (v out/v in) dB

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Reference No:- TGS0155639

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