
Experimental and a quasi-experimental design

Write down 2 pages for each part, Total of two parts are there, Part A and Part B, around 1500 words in total, 1.5 spacing, It is about answering question about a journal article and using library resources.

Self-regulation strategies improve self-discipline in adolescents: benefits of mental contrasting and implementation intentions By Angela Lee Duckworth, Heidi Grant, Benjamin Loew, Gabriele Oettingen & Peter M. Gollwitzer

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mobxikaYgU

Part A) Please answer each of the following questions:

1. According to the video, what is (a) one of the advantages, and (b) one of the disadvantages, of “positive thinking”?


(a) Undertake a search to find ONE reference that provides empirical data that either supports or refutes Gabrielle Oettingen’s claim (in the video) that positive thinking by itself (i.e. without the mental contrasting [obstacles] and implementation intentions [plans]) leads to decreased goal attainment.
(b) Write down the reference in APA format. Then, paste verbatim (with quotes around it) the abstract under the reference (indicate the page number from which you acquired the quote)

(c) Indicate whether it supports, or not, the claim.

Part B) Journal Article Exercise:

Duckworth, A. L., Grant, H., Loew, B., Oettingen, G., & Gollwitzer, P.M. (2011). Self-regulation strategies improve self-discipline in adolescents: benefits of mental contrasting and implementation intentions'. Educational Psychology, 31, 17 — 26.

Must answer these questions:
1. Some of the words or phrases used in this article are quite complex/technical. We provide for you below a “glossary”, but there are some missing glossary entries. Please provide this missing information.
a. “Likert scale” – a common measurement tool of attitude or belief in which participants make a choice along a linear scale usually between opposing extremes (e.g., dislike vs. like)

b. If an experimenter is “blind to condition” it means _____. The purpose of this is to _____.

c. STATISTICS in the reporting of Results (pg. 22): “r” is a measure of the _____. “p” is a measure of the extent to which a statistic is due simply to random variation in the data, with smaller numbers (usually less than .05) indicating that there is less chance the statistic is due to random variation (and therefore more likely to be a real effect). “χ2” is “Chi-squared”, a test of whether frequency data (e.g., number of questions completed) differ from the scores expected when there are no differences between groups/conditions. “Multiple regression” is a technique that allows one to _______.
2. In your own words, describe the primary research question that the paper is attempting to investigate.
3. Describe in your own words the following terms. You can look up the definition of IV and DV in the textbook or online (Burton et al., Psychology):

- Primary hypothesis
- Independent variable(s) (IV)
- Dependent variable(s) (DV)

4. Explain the difference between an experimental and a quasi-experimental design. Which of these terms would best describe this study, and why?
5. (a) In this study, what is the experimental group, and what is the control group? (b) What is the control group used for?
6. In this study, what is one potential confounding variable (see textbook for definition) that the authors indicated that they controlled (and that you have not talked about in a previous answer)? Explain how that confounding variable may have influenced the interpretation of results, if it had not been controlled.

7. Imagine that you are explaining the results of this study to a fellow student. In 200 words or less, describe the methods, the pattern of results and the conclusions the authors have drawn (e.g., was their hypothesis supported?).
8. Complete a PsycINFO database search to find the full citations, plus abstracts, for three articles on the following question: “How does training in goal setting and/or striving help students be successful in their studies?” These should not include the target article!

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Basic Statistics: Experimental and a quasi-experimental design
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