
Experiential learning is defined as personal experience

Experiential Learning Assignment

University Required Assignment

Experiential learning is defined as personal experience outside of the classroom that adds value to the student's educational objectives and development through practical application of program and course outcomes and written reflection.

Davenport is following Dr. David Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning to introduce you to this teaching and learning style, and as a basis for you to become familiar with more advanced experiential learning opportunities (service learning, internships, study abroad, etc). Kolb defines experiential learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience." All of the SOSC 201 experiential learning assignment options have been structured following Kolb's model of concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation in order to assure a level of consistency for faculty and students as well as for assessment purposes.

Part 1, read carefully through the options provided by your instructor and choose a project from the choices listed below.

Part 2, you are required to complete an Experiential Learning Assignment Proposal.

This form asks you to answer basic questions that can help you get your project started and can show your instructor that you are on the right track.

In part 2, you are also required to write questions you will ask while you have the experience of your Experiential Learning Assignment, and post them to the Discussion Board for feedback and approval. To complete this assignment, go to the part 2 Discussion Board, and follow the instructions there. (BELOW)

Writing good questions for your Experiential Learning interview or Museum or Ethnic Festival attendance requires being aware of biases you may bring to your research.

First, review the definitions and examples in Koppleman on pages 9-10, and think about how generalizations can contribute to stereotypes and prejudice.

Second, find and review a resource on formulating effective interview questions. Also review the lectures on Effective Interviewing and Museum/Exhibit attendance to help you formulate these questions.

Third, write and post questions you will use in your Experiential Learning Assignment:

Write one question you will ask of the person you will Interview or about the Ethnic Festival or Museum Exhibit you will attend that contains generalized, stereotyped, or biased language.

Revise the wording of the question to try to avoid or remove the biased or generalized language.

Submit at least 5 effective questions you will ask during your Interview or as part of your observation at the Museum Exhibit or Ethnic Festival.

Fourth, offer feedback on each other's questions:

Give and receive feedback from your classmates and instructor on these questions in the Discussion Board. This will help you build better questions, which will help you write a better paper.

Help each other to see where questions are closed or open ended, where they are clearly worded, and if they can gather good information to help you write your Experiential Learning Assignment paper.

Part 3, you are required to complete a Detailed Outline of the EL assignment. You should have completed the experience portion of the Experiential Learning project so you can begin to put all the project components together. The purpose of this assignment is to help you organize these key components for your paper, including the connections between your research, the textbook(s), and your experience, and designing a plan to use this information going forward. The directions are in Week 5> Weekly Materials and the outline will be submitted under "Assignment Submission" on the left navigation bar.

Part 4, the completed project will be due. You can find the rubric on how you will be graded under Course Information>Syllabus. Complete directions for each assignment option can be found here. Choose the one that interests you. If you choose any of the interview-based EL assignment options, you must ask your interviewee to complete the consent form and attach it to your final paper.1) Provide a detailed description of your experiential learning project, i.e. tell us who, what, (the what should entail information about the project's relevance to cultural diversity), and where.

2) List and briefly describe at least two of the three sources you are using to prepare for your assignment. Sources need to be 1) professional and/or academic and, 2) cited in proper APA format.

3) Explain how you will specifically use one or more of the suggestions given in the Week Two lectures on Effective Interviewing and Attending Festivals and Museums during your EL project.

4) How do you expect that your proposed project will relate to concepts of prejudice, discrimination, representation, or ethnic, religious, or cultural identity?

5) What potential barriers/problems do you anticipate in completing the project? What else do you need to do to overcome these challenges and be prepared to effectively complete your EL project? (for example: more frontloading research or revising interview or observation questions)

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Dissertation: Experiential learning is defined as personal experience
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