This is a team paper and the topic is" Free Hands Save Lives" I have 2 section STRATEGY and TACTICS, and this is what I wrote:
Developing a hands-free cell phones resembling the present day head set, with the smallest version resembling a hearing aid, will be a key component of the marketing strategy. All of the phones developed will be voice activated, each with a built in sensor deactivating the keypad when the user is in motion.
New hands-free cell phones will be mass-produced and should dominate the market for at least two years target is typical of the market since copycat versions will surely appear from Asia and patent leverage becomes null and void in an industry with such rapid technology growth.
Expecting a market share exceeding 50%, the strategy is to re-invest in a corporate infrastructure dedicated to researching and developing the safest, easiest to use hands-free cell phones, as well as accompanying accessories, such as vehicle interfaces and voice-activated dialing. Marketed as an "all-American" product, all manufacturing and assembly will be conducted within American borders.
As baby-boomers age and the younger generations grow older, cell phones have become an integral part of daily life. With a fair price, an American-made product will keep these customers returning for years, despite the presence of Asian knock-offs.
The strategy will include a push for both state and federal legislation mandating only hands-free phones can be used while operating a motor vehicle. With the advent of uniform accident reporting measures at the state level, an effective measurement of the strategy's success can be tied to reductions in the number of cell phone distraction-related accidents, as well as our overall sales.
And this is the second section I have:" TACTICAL PLANNING"Can you help me with the power point here too?
As part of the strategy to get the word out, one tactic deployed will be to supply urban police departments, as well as the most populous states' highway patrols with hands-free cell phones. The officers will test the hands-free units for 90 days.
After the officers complete the field tests, those officers with the most positive testimonials will be used as spokespersons for hands-free cell phones. This will be a key element of a massive advertising campaign. In the most populous States, television and radio advertising will be used to get the message out. Print media will be used in the less populated states where newspaper circulation provides greater coverage than television or radio.
A variety of different 'packages' will be offered for hands-free cell phones. Some of these packages will include communications cut-off devices attached to the vehicle's speedometer and activated when illegal or unsafe speeds are reached. The cut-off speed can be determined by region using GPS technology integrated with respective state highway speed limits, or by company protocols to restrict an employee's cell phone use while operating an automobile, thus reducing the risk of an accident while conducting business on the road. Emergency services, such as those dialing 911 and providing a GPS location when automobile airbags deploy, will be integrated into the hands-free devices.
In order to establish and maintain market share within the growing elderly population, discounts will be given to senior citizens. Similar discounts will be provided to younger drivers. Since they are the most likely age groups to be involved in an automobile accident, prices on hands-free devices to consumers within these two key demographics will be further discounted when accompanied by the purchase of airbag deployment kits.
Additional safety tactics include production of a microphone with a built-in alcohol detection sensor. The microphone will turn off all phone options except the 911/GPS function. Along with the microphone's alcohol detection sensor, an additional device communicated with the vehicle's ignition switch and disables the engine when alcohol levels exceeding state legal limits or individually set levels are detected.
The final PR tactic is an optional dialing pad located in the steering wheel that only operates when the vehicle is going less than 5 miles per hour, minimizing the risk of driver distraction.
The use of tactics involving both law enforcement and corporate protocols, the aforementioned PR strategy should produce successful results. With CEO's and police officers leading the way, accompanied by the introduction of safe, easier to use hands-free cell phones, the motoring public will feel much more at ease on the road.
This is an example of what I need help in:
this is a slide with the bullets:
.175 Million U.S. residents use cell phones
.Add to already burdened task of driving
.Solutions hit slippery slope
.Hands off the phone, eyes on the road
The area where I need your help is in filling in the slides for the two sections on STRATEGY and TACTICS.