
Expected to write a front end paper using the references

Financial market and Corporate Investment

Expected to write a "front end" paper using the references provided in the reading list as well as from current peer-reviewed articles (published within the last 5 years). A front end paper includes an introduction section; a literature review of at least 10 articles is required. A literature review is not just a synopsis. In addition to a synopsis, you must look for connections, consensus, and or contradictions between the articles. Based on the literature review, the term paper will contain the motivation for undertaking the study, emphasizing the contribution to the literature, a research proposal should be developed that states what it is the student wants to investigate and how he or she would do it. Students should also give an idea on what types of results they think they would find.

Reading List:

o Financial Market and Corporate Investment

- Edmans, Alex, Philip Bond and Itay Goldstein 2012, the Real effect of financial markets, Annual Review of Financial Economics 4, 339-360

- Morck, Randall, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishny, 1990, The stock market and investment: Is the market a sideshow? Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2, 157-215.

- Chen, Qi, Itay Goldstein and Wei Jiang 2007, " Price informativeness and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Price", Review of Financial Studies 20:619-650

- Bakke, tor-Erick and Toni Whited,2010, "Which Firms Follow the Market? An Analysis of Corporate Investment Decisions", Review of Financial Studies 23:1941-1980

- Campello, Murillo, and John R. Graham, 2012, Do stock prices influence corporate decisions? Evidence from the technology bubble, Journal of Financial Economics,

- Thierry Foucault, Laurent Fresard, Learning from peers' stock prices and corporate investment, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 111, Issue 3, March 2014, Pages 554-577

- Grullon, Gustavo; Michenaud, Sebastien and Weston, James, 2014 " The Real Effects of Short-Selling Constraints ", SSRN

-  Phillips, Gordon and Gerard Hoberg, 2014, Product Market Uniqueness and stock market valuations, working paper.

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Financial Management: Expected to write a front end paper using the references
Reference No:- TGS01487875

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