
Expansion of outsourcing-production in emerging economies

Locate the given articles:

1) "Taking Rights out of Human Rights." By John Tasioulas, John. Ethics. July 2010, Volume 120, Issue 4, pages 647-678.

2) Authors: Thompson, Karen J.; Thach, Elizabeth C.; and Morelli, Melissa. Insights to a Changing World Journal. December 2010, Issue 4, pages 107-130. Title: "Implementing Ethical Leadership: Current Challenges and Solutions."

3) "Ethics as a Business Strategy." Authored by By: Andrew N. Liveris. Vital Speeches of the Day. January 2011, Volume 77, Issue 1, pagex 35-39

Locate the given books:

1) Author is M. Paliwal. Year published: 2006; Published by New Age International; Location: Delhi, India. Title of book: Business Ethics.

2) Title of book: Introduction to Healthcare Organzational Ethics. Written by Robert T. Hall. Publisher is Oxford University Press; Place of publication: Cary, North Carolina. Published in the year 2000.

For each of the sources above, please address the given:

1) Take a direct quotation out of each of the above sources, and demonstrate how each direct quotation should be cited (as an in-text citation).

Example: While the initial response was slow, Sethi, Veral, and Emelianova (2011) found, "The initial phase also had strong oversight interest from top management including a representative of Mattel's board of directors, and called for frequent reporting." (p. 485)

2) Copy 2-3 sentences from the above sources, and then paraphrase the sentences as you would in your essay. Remember to place the sentences you are paraphrasing in your assignment submission.

Copied Sentences:

"Public concerns about worker exploitation and environmental degradation rose with the expansion of outsourcing and production in emerging economies where poverty, abundant labor, and need for job creation provided unprecedented opportunities for large MNCs to shift production from high-wage countries to low-wage countries.

Starting with isolated complaints from civil society organizations, human rights groups, and organized labor in the mid-eighties, the anti-sweatshop movement became a major force by the early nineties in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other industrially advanced countries. Global companies were under fire for operating factories with working conditions that violated basic human rights and labor laws in terms of wages and working conditions. Instances of worker exploitation and employment of underage workers were widespread."


With the expansion of outsourcing worldwide and the increased focus by advocacy groups, Mattel along with other multi-national corporations became targets for investigation of their worker and environmental policies and procedures. (Sethi, Veral, & Emelianova, 2011)

3) Complete a Reference List including each of the sources. Don't forget to include all information that is required in an end reference (author, year and place of publication, volume and issue number, website, etc). Pay very close attention to detail (placement of punctuation, italicization, capitalization, etc)


Thomas, M., & Smith, R. (2011). Why vast numbers of canines have become obese. Journal of Canine Obesity, 99(4), 483-517.

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