
Expansion of civil rights protection in the united states


The expansion of civil rights protection in the United States is neither complete nor free of problems and controversy. Identify and discuss two ways the struggle for civil rights is not yet finished.

The issue for civil rights will never be completely assuaged because it seems that when we seemingly give one group freedom, we uncover a new layer of citizens who have been discriminated against. The fact that many Americans are set in their core values and lack adaptability does not help either. There are plenty of Americans, typically the ones who are older in age, who will not accept change, and who will continue to think the way they do regardless of what laws and such may say. Not that this is a bad thing, but this adds to the continuous struggle for complete civil rights. For example, the gay community had been discriminated against primarily by the older, more conservative Americans. While gay marriage is legal today, there will still be people who will refuse to bake their wedding cakes and refuse to wed them because of that. Also, with the African American community, many people are visually prejudiced against them, despite having the same rights as many others. This lack of adaptability and close-mindedness leads to the spiral that is the struggle for civil rights.

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Other Subject: Expansion of civil rights protection in the united states
Reference No:- TGS01969263

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