
Exercising plain investment banking

Customer service is defined as the ability of an organization to supply the needs and wants of its customers. This includes the contact between the two parties and the result can either be a negative perception by the customer or a positive perception. These customers can be internal or external and depending with how they are treated the organization adds total value to them as it maximizes its benefits (Customer Service Manager, 2010).

Customer service in my organization will aim at providing clear standards to the customers as much as to the staff on what is expected of them so that the needs of the customers are catered for unbiased. When the standars are clearly set excellent service is achieved and effective communication between the staff and the customers is acquired. The information and feedback from the customers is used to gauge the performance of the organization and improve services, on the other hand increasing the resources required. Once these objectives are met the organization is assured of excellent services of high standard given to its customers thus their delight. There is also maximized satisfaction drawn to the service providers and the recepients from the service quality (West Lancashire BC, 2010).

In an organization customer service plays a major role in portraying the core values, vision and mission of the organization. There is a boundary between hospitality and service excellence in organizations. However, a separation of one concept from the other gives an incomplete equation (Aiello, Severt, Rompf, & Breiter, 2010).

In the organization, the core mission is to make the customers always come back for more services. The right attitude should be relayed to the customers and failure to do so leads to loss of clients, customers or guests. Once the right attitude is transmitted it is important for the service provide to identify the needs of his customers then provide for those needs. When one is fully satisfied that the needs of the customers are fully met it is now time to ensure that they return (Martin, 2000 ).

The perspective of the customer service, if clearly adopted, gives bountiful harvest and that is the vision of every organization. All the service providers in the organization should always bear in mind that the business revolves around the customers. They fall under the command of the customers for the customers define the business. If the customers are extinct so is the business and failure to understand the customers, means failure to understand the business (Martin, 2000 ).

The aim of a business is for the provider to make profits and these are made through a good input and output. When one successfully wins the confidence of his customers there is an increase in the money made besides other benefits like promotion and tips. For greater success, the objectives of the organization should be drawn from the information gotten from customers for a clear focus to be kept and maintained in the business. This can be well achieved through a number of ways like quantitative surveys (Martin, 2000 ).

Quantitative survey is conducted through taking samples and in this case of people and asking them some assignment questions to assignment questions to discuss that have been laid down. The responses they give are then measured to determine their frequency as well as the percentage. On the other hand qualitative surveys can as well come in handy depending with the quality of service desired. However, this method is more subjective compared to the quantitative research. It is mainly individual and interviews conducted are in-depth and if need be it can use a few focus groups (Guide Star Communications, 2003).

Qualitative research has an advantage in terms of cost. It is cheaper than the survey type of research, the quantitative method. When all is said and done the organization needs to maintain a high standard of confidentiality. Some of the responses that are given by the customers tend to be open and sensitive especially if it concerns one of the sevice providers. Therefore, the customer needs to get a guarantee that the information he relays will be confidential and his identity will be fully protected (Guide Star Communications, 2003).

Besides the research that involves people the organization will study how communication is done to its customers through other means. For instance, we have clients who shop for services through the internet or telephone calls. There are others who have not yet bought services from the organization but are potential buyers. The organization has a mandate to check if its communication protocol is working as intended and how the message is conveyed through the media. As the manager or the CEO of my company I need to examine how the patterns of the communications systems that are electronic as well as the informal communications like the memos are being used (Guide Star Communications, 2003).

Risk management in businesses is very essential. It is more so very important to implement effective and strategic measures in order to successfully achieve the desired objectives. The aim of risk management is to identify any mishaps and evaluating them to come up with a solution. In addition it will focus on implementing strategies on how to go about those risks as well as protecting the business from losses. Failure to do this also leads to disciplinary action to individuals and firms. There are set rules to censure fines or banning these firms from delivering financial services for instance the Financial Services Authority

Rules (Cox, 2007).

In module 1 the Al Rajhi bank has maintained its low risk occurrence by exercising plain investment banking and plain vanilla intermediation with credit risk being one of its dominant risks. It has maximized its profit rate by strategically positioning itself in the market and having an effective operating control on the expenditure of goods and maintaining a low cost of funding. In addition, having the largest distribution network in Saudi Arabia it is capable to gather mass deposit. Nevertheless, all these factors revolve around good customer service perspective. Take good care of the customer and he will take good care of you.

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