
Exercising fair employment practices

Case Scenario:

Equal opportunity is a protective order that mandates that all organizations must exercise fair employment practices where minorities are concerned. Several years ago (18 and1900s) organizations would only hire Caucasians, therefore any promotions, salary increases, prestige, etc. would be extended to that particular race of people. Unfortunately, minorities were unable to obtain a job if they were not an organizational fit within the selected organizations. Only hiring a specific race, gender, etc. was in direct violation of our civil rights, as a result of unfair practices in the work place President John F. Kennedy signed an executive order that would eliminate discrimination in the workplace. When President Kennedy put the wheels in motion for affirmative action to take root, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 broadened the policy in which case affirmative action was extended to not only ethnic groups, but also for gender, age, religion, and/or national origin, in which can an individual's ethnicity, cultural background, etc. could not be a deterrent for employment and it could not be a determining factor for termination also. For several years after Affirmative Action has been in effect, there is still an overwhelming number of discrimination cases as reported by the Equal Rights Commission. Equal opportunity laws are working towards reducing the number of discriminatory cases, Affirmative Action, is an entity that often rewards organizations for leveling the playing field by employing an equal number of minorities to Caucasians.

"Anthony P. Carnevale (1999) highlighted research that shows: 'Diverse work groups and customers are not only inevitable, they also are more efficient, flexible, and creative at a time when the intensity and complexity of organizational life and economic competition reward these behaviors the most.'" (Carnevale, 1999).

- Support of Affirmative Action

o Implementation of Affirmative Action would illustrate that our organization is an organization that embraces equal opportunity for minorities. The policy will reduce inequality within the hierarchical infrastructure and provide a fair working advantage for a diversified workforce.

o If our organization integrates an Affirmative Action policy it would display our sensitivity to various cultures, and show that we are only interested in employing the most qualified candidates for the job regardless of their ethnicity.

o Integrating this policy will enhance our credibility as an equal opportunity employer; will generate more business; and will expand our global reach by eliminating communication barriers.

o Affirmative Action would offer our organization an opportunity to obtain qualified candidates and/or employees from various ethnic backgrounds, which will only enhance our organizational practices. For instance, there is a growing number of ethnic groups who speak foreign languages. Our organization must ensure that we create jobs specifically for individuals who are at a significant advantage to break communication barriers, which will enable our company to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

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Strategic Management: Exercising fair employment practices
Reference No:- TGS01981678

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