
exercise 1 data array manipulation and selection

Exercise 1: Data array manipulation and selection using for loops
These exercises demonstrate the use of for loops in array manipulation and selection.
a) Write a user-defined function named reverse_array(x) which reverses the positions of
any input argument data array and output the results in the MATLAB Command Window.
(The function should work on any sized array; TAs will check with array of their choosing)
b) for loops and if conditional statements
i) Write a user-defined function named max_element(x) which determines the
maximum element in any input argument data array and output the results in MATLAB.
ii) Write a user-defined function named min_element(x) which determines the
minimum element in any input argument data array and output the results in the

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Electrical Engineering: exercise 1 data array manipulation and selection
Reference No:- TGS0180625

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