What makes a follower:
Organizational Leadership and Ethics Spring 2015 Reading: Rosenbach, W. E., Pittman, T. S., & Potter III, E. H. (2012). What makes a follower? In W. E. Rosenbach, R. L. Taylor & M. A. Youndt (Eds.), Contemporary issues in leadership (7th ed., pp. 77-87). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Team Assignment 3/12 (5 homework points): Based on the Rosenbach, Pittman and Potter III (2012) assigned reading:
1. Describe in a sentence or two how Rosenbach, Pittman and Potter III (2012) explain the style or characteristic you are discussing.
2. Make a list of X people who exemplify or demonstrate the listed style or characteristic. Those chosen must be publicly known or publically accessible (i.e., can everyone easily access information about this person). Person may be living or dead.
3. Describe in five or six sentences how each person exemplifies the particular style or characteristic.