
Executive summary of results and conclusions and a brief


"Too-Big-To-Fail" doctrine-purposes and consequences

OR The international debt crisis-causes, consequences, and remedies

Case Projects

· A. Must be typewritten, double-spaced, type no larger than 12 point, 1 inch margins or less.

· B. About 8-10 pages in length, not including references, title page, figures, or tables.

· C. Cases will be graded on six (6) equally-weighted evaluative criteria:

· (a) Objectives/Problem Statement;

· (b) Accomplishment of (a);

· (c) Depth of treatment from scholarly sources;

· (d) Logic of organization, argument and presentation;

· (e) Readability, syntax, spelling; and

· (f) Overall evaluation.

All ideas, hypotheses, conclusions not original with the author must be accompanied by appropriate citations. Use the style for citations followed in the text. Internet citations should include the name of the author(s), complete URL, date of the posting or publication, date of access, publisher and city, state and country. Case reports are the product of the student and should be kept by them throughout the course. Copyright by the student is assumed. Be sure to retain a copy of the paper before it is submitted.

Case Write-up Guidelines

1. Executive Summary of results and conclusions (less than 1 page).?

2. A brief overview of the case and a statement of the problem to be addressed.?

3. Tools, techniques or analytical methods to be employed to address the central problem of the case.?

4. A discussion of your analysis.?

5. Summary and conclusions.

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Finance Basics: Executive summary of results and conclusions and a brief
Reference No:- TGS01150886

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Anonymous user

5/18/2016 8:57:21 AM

For the problem illustrated in the assignment for 'Too-Big-To-Fail doctrine-purposes and consequences'; I look for the solution. The experts panel of this site provide me best possible solution in a word paper by following all the guidelines and instructions provided in the assignment. Due to them, I am able to score very good marks. Thanks for the help and keep up the good work.