Create a package, DEPT_PKG, with the following:A public procedure called NEW_DEPT to enter a new department row into the DEPARTMENTS table. The procedure should accept four parameters - one for each column in the DEPARTMENTS table. Use the parameter values in your INSERT command.A public procedure called UPD_DEPTMGR to update the manager for a specific department ID in the DEPARTMENTS table. The procedure should provide two parameters: the department ID, and a new manager ID. Add exception handling to account for an invalid department ID.
- A public function called GET_DEPARTMENT_COUNT to retrieve the total number of employees assigned to a specific department. The function should accept the department ID as a parameter and return the number of employees in that department. Add error handling to account for an invalid department ID.
- Write an anonymous block that invokes the procedure NEW_DEPT to add a new department to the DEPARTMENTS table with dept ID 88, department name of "IT". You may choose any value for location_id that is valid. Add an exception handler that will display the current error message that raised the exception.
- Execute the UPD_DEPTMGR procedure and change the manager number of the new department you just added. Query the DEPARTMENTS table to view your changes.
- Write an anonymous block which uses an explicit cursor to process all departments. Retrieve the department name and call the GET_DEPT_COUNT function from your package to return the total count by department. Simply call DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE and print the department name and number of employees for all departments.
- Write a SELECT statement to display all department information for all departments using a SELECT statement which also invokes the GET_DEPT_COUNT function to return the total employee count for each department.
Query the code from your package, DEPT_PKG, (both parts) from the data dictionary.Create a trigger which will always use the next value of the sequence, bb_prodid_seq, as the idproduct column when a new record is inserted into the BB_PRODUCT table. Test your trigger.