
Execute the algorithm below using 6 for number and execute

Problem: Converting decimal (base 10) numbers to binary (base 2):

Question 1: Execute the algorithm below using 6 for "number".

Question 2: Execute the algorithm below using 25 for "number".

Question 3: Draw a flowchart for the algorithm below and have it checked by the TA.

Notes: "top number" is the rightmost number on the top line; "middle number" is the rightmost number on the middle line.


Type: "top:" "middle:", "answer:" each word on its own line.

Type number on the top line, and "1" on the middle line.

while (twice middle number is less than top number) do

type twice middle number one space to the right of middle number (for example, "1 2")


while (middle number is greater than or equal to 1) do

if (top number is greater than or equal to middle number) then

type "1" on the answer line (to the right of any existing digits, with no spaces)

type top number minus middle number one space to the right of top number


type "0" on the answer line (to the right of any existing digits, with no spaces)


type middle number divided by 2 one space to the right of middle number


"answer:" is the binary representation of number

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Execute the algorithm below using 6 for number and execute
Reference No:- TGS0944358

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