
Execute an art project that uses art to engage people in a


The project must be something that can engage people around issues of global concern. You will plan and execute an art project that uses art to engage people in a public way in order to make a positive difference about an issue of global concern.

There are 5 points in this Essay.

1. Description - Describe what the project is about (must be a real/current artistic expression)

2. Global Significance - Explain how the project addresses an important issue of global significance

3. Use of Art - Explain how the project uses art to make a positive difference about the issue

4. Public Engagement - Explain how the project engages the issue in a public way

5. Explain how the project engages the issue in a public way

Double-space, 12' font, margins 1', APA style

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Dissertation: Execute an art project that uses art to engage people in a
Reference No:- TGS02929036

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