
Exceptions to the date may be made if the professors

Students will conduct a brief literature review on their assigned topic in policing. Your paper should be about 5-7 pages, not counting the cover page and reference page.

Your literature review must include three academic journal articles. (More sources are acceptable.) Each source must be published in a scholarly journal - peer-reviewed and must have been published in 2010 or more recently.

Exceptions to the date may be made if the professor's approval is sought and there is a legitimate reason for the date exception.

In addition, your literature review must include the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, and the specific sources provided to your group by Dr. Weisel.

The three academic articles you select must be a source which you and only you use for this assignment. To "claim" articles, student must post the source on Blackboard - Discussion Board. Only the first student to post the source may use it.

This literature review is the initial component of your project this semester - The project begins with a literature review, identifying the contributions of published research and theory, and lays the groundwork for further research - How are large police departments in North Carolina performing on this recommendation.

In future papers, you will develop a research design and methodology specifying the agencies from which you will, first, collect (existing) data and, second, develop a data collection instrument such as an interview protocol and collect data (guided by the professor).

The final paper will culminate with a synthesis of these papers, in which you present your findings discussing how well are North Carolina police departments doing in achieving the recommendation.

For the literature review paper

Use the required sources and write a paper focusing on the following:

Introduce the topic/recommendation

Discuss why this change is needed in policing - what are the harms and/or benefits arising from current policies or practices

Draw initially from the PTF.

Be certain to identify and carefully define any terms used by the sources - such as confidence, safety, perceptions, and so forth; and any key stakeholders.

Discuss what is known about this issue/problem now

Discuss published research on this topic - scholarly and additional sources

Summarize theories and hypotheses tested, discuss the data sources used in prior research.

Discuss best practices as established in the literature

Discuss the need for research and how more might be learned about this issue from NC police departments

Include a cover page; reference page, formatted APA, with all your sources; use in-text citations for all sources in your list; and be certain your paper is APA compliant with numbered pages, 12 point Times Roman font, double-spaced and indented paragraphs and any other required elements.

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Dissertation: Exceptions to the date may be made if the professors
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