Examplesprovide specific examples of the human resources


Each student will select a current event article on the subject of Human Resources Management. Please choose an article that provides an important concept, problem, or issue relating to one of the critical Human Resources Managementareas covered within this course and/or your text.

Summarize the article and discuss its implications in 3 pages (not including the cover page, abstract, or reference page. APA Format is required. Do not forget to list the article source on your reference page and to cite it in the paper. Please submit the assignment through the Campus Web. In class you will have the opportunity to share your article by presenting a summary.

Below are some questions that you should address in the paper.

Topic What "Human Resources Management" topic does the article address? Describe it.

Importance Why is it important? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Why does it matter in business?

Examples Provide specific examples of the "Human Resources Management" concept. How do managers use/apply the concept at work?

Impact What impact does this concept have on company profits and/or services? How does this concept/issue impact the overall function of the company? Provide conclusions.

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HR Management: Examplesprovide specific examples of the human resources
Reference No:- TGS01160253

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4/30/2016 5:02:44 AM

In this assignment, each and every student will choose a present event article on the subject of Human Resources Management. Please select an article that gives a significant concept, problem or issue associating to one of the critical Human Resources Management regions covered in this course and/or your text. Sum up the article and illustrate its implications in 3 pages (not comprising the cover page, abstract and reference page). APA Format is needed. Don’t forget to list the article source on your reference page and to cite it in the paper. In class you will encompass the opportunity to share your article by representing a summary. Below are a few questions which you must address in the paper. Topic: Illustrate what ‘Human Resources Management’ topic does the article address? Illustrate it. Explain why is it important? What are the merits and demerits? Explain why does it matter in business? Give specific illustrations of the ‘Human Resources Management’ concept.