examples of variations - operations

Examples of Variations - Operations Function


Low: Small quantities such as designer clothes; cleaning services with high unit costs; highly skilled labour; single one-off projects

High: Mass production of large quantities  such as consumer goods, cars, white products and some foods with low  unit costs; capital intensive; use of  semi skilled labour  .


Low: Standardised products and processes: off the peg clothes; limited range of size of shirts; shoes; McDonalds; low unit costs

High: Flexible, complex allows customisation, high unit costs; can accommodate customers Specification

Customer contact 

Low: Department store; supermarket; financial advice; university staff

 High: Doctor; dentist; surgeon; financial services; personal tutors


Low: First class travel; personal physicians; one-off cars; designer clothes

 High: Economy class travel; car servicing; car insurance; window cleaning

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Operation Management: examples of variations - operations
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