
Examples of project management tools that are used in the

This assessment tool is designed to gather evidence on your knowledge as well as abilities to plan and implement a project, then monitoring to achieve objectives and finally to review project completion and to identify learning to be used in future projects. It applies to managers who are not specialist project managers but have responsibility to completion of a project with team members.

Also, it collects evidence on key foundation skills outlined in unit of competency details. Your Trainer/Assessor will go through the unit of competency at the very beginning of this unit explaining each element, performance criteria, foundation skill, performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that you will be assessed on via this assessment tool. You can find more information at: httos://training.gov.au/TrainingJDetails/BSBPMG522.

This assessment has two parts:

Assessment Activity 1- Knowledge Questions

There are four questions that will give you the opportunity to show your general knowledge of tools, documents, processes, and legislative context in relation to undertaking a project work.

This assessment is completed in your own time and with a submission date provided by your assessor. You may use support material in the development of your answers, but you must indicate the source. In addition, you must not cut and paste answers from any source but instead put it in your own words, unless it is a direct quote.

Assessment Activity 2 - Business Simulation: Develop, Implement and Review a Project

You will review the business case provided to you and then plan and implement a PD project that will be used by the case study organisation; Coffee House in the ongoing professional development of their interns.
Submission requirements for each task is clearly outlined under each task to give you guidance.

Your Trainer/Assessor will provide and explain you the following sources of information prior undertaking this assessment:
- Business Case
- Project Charter template
- Stakeholder Register and Communications Plan template
- Project Plan template
- Risk Management Plan template
- Budget Plan template
- Project Completion Report template
- Lessons Learnt template.

In order to be deemed competent in this unit you must obtain satisfactory outcome in each part of this assessment. You must abide with the rules outlined in the following section "Portfolio Requirements" when submitting your portfolio to your Trainer/Assessor.

Assessment Activity 1- Knowledge Questions


The below information lists the questions that you will need to develop a written response to. All these questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of tools, documents, processes, and legislative context in relation to undertaking a project work. Each question includes a word count to give you an indication of the depth and the performance requirements to be deemed competent for each answer.

Note you must answer these questions in your own words and conform to the requirements as specified in the Portfolio Requirements. Remember, you must get a satisfactory result with each question to be deemed satisfactory for the whole of Assessment Activity 1.

Question 1.
Using the table format below, list five examples of project management tools that are used in the project planning and management process. For each example, explain how it contributes to a project in approximately 20 words.
Project management tool How it contributes to a project

Question 2
For each source of information given in the table below, explain how they can be used in defining the parameters of a project. Word count is approximately 20 words for each example.
Document/source of information Explanation
Project Brief
Memorandum of understanding
Budget Plan
Risk Management Plan
Stakeholder Register
Communications Plan

Question 3
Explain processes for identifying and managing risk in a project. Word count is approximately 100 words.

Question 4

Assessment Activity 2: Develop, Implement and Review a PD project
You are required to take part in a simulation associated with Coffee House. For the background to the project, please refer to the document titled 'Business Case'. The duration of the project is anticipated to cover a four-week period.

In this simulation, you will take the role of a project officer for Coffee House. You will be responsible for coordinating a professional development project aimed specifically at interns within the company. Coffee House intend to become active in using interns and these individuals form the key source for any future recruitment drive within the organisation.

Coffee House have requested that you the candidate take on the role of a Lead Project Officer to plan out and implement one of the three professional development initiatives for interns listed below:
- write 'killer' resumes
- job landing cover letters
- effective interview skills

Project Officers will work within a team of three. The project plan for each individual is to coordinate the completion of just one of the three initiatives. Therefore, your team needs to divide up the three initiatives amongst your members. The set of tasks that follow in this document will be individually based. That is, each Lead Project Officer will produce completed templates that relate to just their initiative. However, to do this will require you allocating tasks to the team members to produce the deliverables.

Task 1: Define project
In this task you will analyse the relevant information given to you in the document titled Business Case (attached) and then clarify and confirm the projects intent in terms of organisations direction, the level of authority, reporting and resource requirements. To achieve this, we have listed the following sub tasks.

Assessment Conditions

Your assessor will take the role of Manager of Human Resources for Coffee House. In task 1, however, their role will be limited to exchanging emails to you in the approval process for your document titled Project Charter.
1.1 Access business case and summarise the key aspects of the project using the blank project charter
Evidence criteria (EC): To achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you will need to:
EC 1 populate the blank Project Charter (provided) using the information provided in the Business Case document
EC 2 populate the blank Stakeholder Register and Communications Plan (provided) except for the row "date sent"
EC 3 all of the above sections of the templates must be completed
EC 4 each section must be accurate and relevant to the information provided
EC 5 word count is not critical but it is anticipated that total word count would be approximately 500 words.
1.2 Seek clarification with project scope

Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1 email your completed Project Charter to the Project Initiator (HR Manager, your assessor)
EC 2 within this email, request approval to proceed
EC 3 modify your Project Charter in light of the manager's feedback
EC 4 seek final confirmation of project scope
EC 5 this modification must align accurately to feedback.

Task 2: Develop project plan

In this task you will develop and finalise your Project Plan based on the approved scope and input from stakeholders.

Assessment Conditions
In this task you will be observed on one of your consultation sessions. Note your assessor will not participate in the simulation as they will be the observer and they need to focus on the actions of each of your team members. Your assessor will observe you for 10 minutes and record findings in the Check Sheet on the next page. After your observation is complete, your assessor will then focus on the next Lead Project Officer, until all three of you have been assessed.
Please note that:
- other project teams are not present at the session as this will give them an unfair advantage
- you must ensure that you have read the requirements listed in the check sheet and that you are aware that you have to generate discussion and receive feedback on the project
- you must comply with WHS requirements, that is act in a safe way
- the session will be free from distractions.
During the session, your Assessor will:
- observe each of your team and record separately on the check sheet
- document their observations in detail on the check sheet
- provide extensive written feedback on the check sheet in case a criterion is not met to a satisfactory level
- remember, you must demonstrate all the actions in the check sheet to be achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment
If you are not successful, after the session, the Assessor will:
- provide the written feedback on the checklist explaining their justification in detail
- confirm that you have understood
- negotiate another suitable time to observe the second attempt (which must be in full, not just on the specific NYS area).

2.1 Develop Project Plan
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1 populate the blank Project Plan (provided) using the information from the Project Charter
EC 2 the contents of this plan at this stage will be in draft format as it will require input from others in the team (see task 2.5)
EC 3 after input from team members (task 2.5) all sections of the template will need to be completed:
a. there must be a minimum of three activities and with each activity, a minimum of five tasks
b. each task to have a dedicated outcome, role, resources and time frame
c. each section must be relevant to the information provided
d. each section must be accurate
e. word count is not critical.

2.2 Develop Gantt Chart using an appropriate project tool to monitor project scheduling
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1 identify and access an appropriate project tool to create a Gantt Chart
EC 2 this Gantt Chart for scheduling must closely align with the tasks outlined in the Project Plan
EC 3 this Gantt Chart must clearly show the task relationships (predecessor and successor tasks)
EC 4 this Gantt Chart must be readable and legible.

2.3 Formulate Risk Management Plan
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1 create a risk plan using the Risk Management Plan template provided
EC 2 contents of this template must identify three potential risk issues for each activity outlined in the Project Plan
EC 3 three of these issues must be related to WHS
EC 4 the rating of these issues must be appropriate
EC 5 the strategies to address these issues must be specific, measureable and relevant.

2.4 Develop project budget using an appropriate project tool
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1 populate the blank Budget Plan spreadsheet (provided) using the information from the Project Charter
EC 2 all sections of the template must be completed
EC 3 you must accurately map each task from their WBS in the Project Plan with its associated cost
EC 4 these associated costs must be logical to the targeted task.

2.5 Consult team members
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1 hold a meeting for a minimum of 30 minutes duration
EC 2 in this meeting, each team member is required to take a leadership role for their chosen initiative
EC 3 each project leader then facilitates input from other two team members on the draft strategy and actions (these were developed in task 2.1)
EC 4 each leader has a maximum of 10 minutes for this refinement of this strategy and actions
EC 5 in this 10 minutes, each leader will be observed by you who will record notes on the check sheet provided
EC 6 each leader will need to satisfactorily perform all of the criteria indicated in the check sheet.

3.3 Establish and maintain record keeping system
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1. Develop electronic filing system for your project, which must:
a. be cloud-based to ensure easy access by all stakeholders
b. be intuitive; easy and simple to be understood by other stakeholders
c. have a logical hierarchical structure for each project document: - Project Charter
- Stakeholder Register and Communications Plan
- Project Plan
- Risk Management Plan
- Budget Plan
- Gantt Chart (both the raw file and the PDF output)
- Project Completion Report and Lessons Learnt (refer Task 5) - any other correspondence.

EC 2. Maintains files:
a. all documents are in correct folders
b. all documents are current and complete.

3.4 Implement and monitor project
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:

EC 1. Implement and monitor the Project Plan:
a. the initial Project Plan which was part complete, will now contain entries covering outcomes achieved and comments on variance
b. these must be for all of the tasks outlined in the WBS in the Project Plan for the entire project
c. these entries must be current and accurate (aligned to the Gantt Chart)
d. these variance comments must be specific and measureable.

EC 2. Record actual expenses in the Budget Plan:
a. where there is variance between forecast and actual, provide reason in commentary section
b. this must cover all of the expenses as provided in the initial plan
c. this comment must be accurate and appropriate.

3.5 Undertake risk management as required
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1 review outcomes from Gantt, Project Plan, Budget Plan, and Risk Management Plan
EC 2 identify variance
EC 3 comment on variance and record in all of these documents accordingly
EC 4 initiate within delegated authority, the relevant components of the risk management
EC 5 record this in the 'Recovery Procedures' column located in the Project Plan
EC 6 recordings must be accurate, specific and measureable.

3.6 Complete and forward project reports
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:
EC 1. Send email to HR Manager (the assessor) and to team members:
a. email contains summary of latest information including any risk initiated
b. email contains the share link to the final project documents
c. information contained in covering explanation is accurate, with a depth of a minimum of five key points
d. word count is not critical.

EC 2. Make entries in the Stakeholder Register and Communications Plan when reports sent:
a. the template which was partially complete, will now contain entries covering date sent
b. reports must be sent on these dates.

3.7 Achieve project deliverables
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to produce deliverables as follows:
EC 1 a killer resume, a covering letter and skills for interviews
EC 2 the depth of the outcomes for each strategy; killer resume, covering letter and interview skills is not critical, but it is anticipated that each will:
a. be in the form of one-page info sheet
b. have a reasonable outlook, readable and legible
c. be produced using an appropriate software package
d. be proofread.

Task 4: Finalise project
In this task you will formalise the completion of the project through the template provided. In addition, you will discuss potential roles for future team members based on their skill acquisition.

Assessment Conditions

Your assessor will again take the role of Manager of Human Resources for Coffee House. However, their role will be limited to exchanging emails to you for the approval process for your project completion.

4.1 Complete project documentation
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:

EC 1. Populate the blank Project Completion Report Template (provided) using the information from the monitoring section:
a. the contents of this report must be in full
b. each section must be relevant to the data produced
c. each section must be accurate
d. word count is not critical but it is anticipated that total word count would be approximately 200 words.

EC 2. Seek sign off by stakeholders:
a. upload the document to the cloud system
b. shared the report to your Manager, team members requesting signature
c. record and store sign off.

4.2 Transition of team members
Evidence criteria: To achieve a satisfactory response for this sub task you will need to:

EC 1. Draft a report to the Project Initiator (your HR Manager) on staff transition:
a. include in report, summary statement of what was achieved
b. include roles taken by team members
c. include skills learnt by team members
d. include three strengths and three limitations of each team member
e. propose future roles for project members
f. word count for the above is approximately 150 words.

EC 2. Your assessor will review this draft report and provide feedback to you. This will require you to then:
a. analyse your Manager's feedback
b. adjust your draft report based on this feedback
c. save the amended report in the cloud system
d. word count is not critical as it is dependent on feedback given.

Task 5: Review project
In this task you will look at learning's from the project in particular what insights you can generate and how this could direct your approach to future projects.

Assessment Conditions

In this task, your assessor will interact with you on your Lessons Learnt report via email where they will acknowledge the receipt of your document.

5.1 Draft Lessons Learnt
Evidence criteria: to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you will need to populate the blank Lessons Learnt Template (provided) using the information from all of the documents to date:
EC 1 the contents of this report will be in full
EC 2 each section must be relevant to the data produced
EC 3 each section must be accurate
EC 4 word count is not critical but it is anticipated that total word count would be approximately 200 words.
5.2 Finalise Lessons Learnt in consultation with team members
Evidence criteria: to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you will need to:

EC 1. As a Lead Project Officer, hold a meeting and review each of the draft post project reviews developed by members:
a. in this meeting, each team member will provide their views
b. analyse feedback
c. make individual adjustments to their draft Lessons Learnt reports
d. upload finalised Lessons Learnt report to their cloud drive
e. word count is not critical.

EC 2. Forward completed review to Manager:
a. email includes summary of findings
b. email includes shared link to the final Lessons Learnt document
c. store receipt of acknowledgement from Manager.

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