
Examples of homer begins his work with an invocation to muse


1. The Oresteia trilogy is concerned with the birth of a new world-order and new cosmic rules. How has the world of the play changed between the first play (the Agamemnon) and the conclusion of the final play (the Eumenides) in terms of gender roles, notions of justice, and fate. Support your argument with detailed examples from specific assigned readings with line numbers cited.

2. Plato himself found myths problematic and many myths deal with immoral behaviours and actions. Do you think mythology as it is presented in the stories we have read could have been used to teach ethics or morality in the ancient world, or were they simply entertaining stories? Support your argument with detailed examples from the assigned readings of Plato and myths (at least two from Ovid's Metamorphoses)with line numbers cited.

3. The Cohen Brothers' film "O Brother Where Art Thou" and Tennyson's Ulysses are both adaptations of the Odyssey. Choosing one, identify at least 3 adaptations each work makes. What is the significance of these changes? Be sure to reference Homer with specific line numbers.

You will answer all three questions with a 2250 word minimum (750 words per essay).

Don't get hung up on this, but answer the questions well.

When writing, do not quote the text unless you want to speak specifically about language, style, diction, word choice. Paraphrase what happens in the text, then put a citation in brackets. Example:

"Homer begins his work with an invocation to the Muse (Hom. Odyssey. 1.1)."

When citing classical texts, we do so with abbreviations, book number, and line number (like chapter and verse when citing the Bible). Here is a link to the standard abbreviations you'll need for this paper:


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History: Examples of homer begins his work with an invocation to muse
Reference No:- TGS03180814

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