
Examples of diseases caused by microbial infections



For undergrad

From Business to Biomedical Science

Examines principles and examples of diseases caused by microbial infections so that the role of microorganisms in the development of disease in a human host can be understood. Studies the host at genetic or cell and tissue level to gain an overview of infectious and noninfectious diseases in populations. Fosters understanding of the effects of diseases on human communities and provides a perspective to help evaluate health dilemmas and develop strategies to solve them.

Thematic Sequence

A Thematic Sequence is a series of related courses (usually three) that focuses on a theme or subject in a developmental way. Each course builds or expands upon knowledge or perspective gained from preceding courses, and some sequences prepare students for Capstone experiences. The first course may be a Foundation course and may count as hours in both Foundation and Thematic Sequence requirements. (Should the Thematic Sequence contain more than one Foundation course, only one of those courses can be counted for both requirements.) In interdepartmental Thematic Sequences, students must select those courses that are offered outside their department of major. For example, English majors who enroll in a Thematic Sequence comprised of English and history courses must sign up for the history courses.

Describe your goals and objectives for the sequence, what you expect to learn, and how this sequence will enable you to accomplish your academic and intellectual goals and objectives. Be sure to include any additional information that you feel would be helpful, such as the uniqueness of the opportunity. Statements are typically around 1000 words in length.

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Biology: Examples of diseases caused by microbial infections
Reference No:- TGS03158415

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