
Examples of at least four ways caregivers

Babies Documentary:

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Essay Question: The goal of the essay is for you to demonstrate your knowledge. I want to see that you understand the whole picture, i.e., how the generalizations or concepts create the framework for the specific facts, and how the examples or details fill in the gaps. You are not only conveying information, but also proving to me the examiner–that you have mastered the information and can work with it. In other words, your purpose is both informative and persuasive. Keeping this purpose in mind will help you both prepare for and write the essay. It is important that you reference, not necessarily quote, the Cook and Small texts, as well as videos seen in class.

Your answer should be typed or word-processed and double-spaced using twelve point font and 1 margins all around, with numbered pages. (You may print on both sides of the paper). Write clearly. Credit will be given for clear reference to the reading assignment and to specific examples. Answers with no examples or evidence of reading are likely to achieve poor grades. You might find it helpful to use headings to structure your answer. You should include complete citations of any written works that you utilize in writing your answer. Please review the Written Assignments section of the Syllabus.

Your paper will be graded with regard to depth/substance, which means that there should be evidence that you understand the concepts you are discussing. Papers will also be graded on insight, synthesis, thoroughness, accuracy, logic and organization. Your grade will not be lowered due to your having a particular opinion, but you should always support your opinion with sound, logical reasoning. Sometimes it is perfectly acceptable to have an opinion based on emotions or feelings about an issue.

When this is the case however, you should try to explain what is behind the feelings.

Each student will turn in an independent answer to the essay question in each Unit. This does not preclude you from discussing the question(s) with your peers, or seeking assistance with editing your answer.

Essay Question:

After viewing the documentary Babies directed by Thomas Balmes, and drawing on your understanding of physical, cognitive, language, and psychosocial development in the first two years, respond to Bronfenbrenners remark that If the children…of a nation are afforded opportunity to develop their capacities to the fullest, if they are given the knowledge to understand the world,… then the prospects for the future are bright.

In your essay, give examples of at least four (4) ways caregivers can afford infants and toddlers opportunities to develop to their fullest capacities.

Identify four (4) opportunities for development

With each, make an argument as to WHY this is important to development.

a. What components of development make this opportunity important?

b. What examples of development do you see in relation to this opportunity?

c. Be certain to include each developmental domain (physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional) in your discussion

d. Include the childs progression of development infants and toddlers.

Make a connection to theory.

a. What do theorists say about this need/area of development?

What are the cultural differences? Use specific examples from the Small text and the documentary Babies. Note: The documentary Babies is available to view through Media Reserves in the Wells Library – RJ134 .B433 2010

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