
Example reading and the rubric

A full sentence outline will build on the information you presented in your research proposal. Following the format described in the "Outline Format and Example" lecture in this module, you will write an introduction paragraph for your essay, outline topic sentences for each supporting point, list sub-points to be included in each paragraph, detail and address counter-arguments to your thesis, and write a conclusion paragraph for your paper. In addition, you will be utilizing your research sources to provide additional support for your thesis statement.

This assignment represents a crucial step toward the development of your final paper. To ensure you complete your outline thoroughly and accurately, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Review the Outline Format and Example reading and the rubric before you begin to ensure you address all necessary requirements.
  • Use complete sentences at all stages of your outline to clearly convey your ideas.
  • Incorporate information from your sources where appropriate, remembering to always use citations to credit others' words and ideas.
  • Organize your points in a way that makes sense for your particular topic.
  • Follow APA formatting guidelines for your in-text citations and references list.
  • Check your work for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure errors before submitting.

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Reference No:- TGS0548031

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