Complete the mcq:
Q1: Which of the systems shows better design principles?
A. System 1
B. System 2

Q2: What is the main reason for your answer to above?

A. modularity.
B. coupling.
C. cohesion.
D. none of the above.
Q3: Which of the above is an example of procedural cohesion?
A. Ex. 1
B. Ex. 2
C. Ex. 3
D. Ex. 4
Q4: Which of the above is an example of functional cohesion?
A. Ex. 1
B. Ex. 2
C. Ex. 3
D. Ex. 4
Q5: Which of the above is an example of sequential cohesion?
A. Ex. 1
B. Ex. 2
C. Ex. 3
D. Ex. 4
Rank these examples from worst to best.

A. Ex. 4 (worst), Ex. 1, Ex. 3, Ex. 2 (best)
B. Ex. 3 (worst), Ex. 2, Ex. 4, Ex. 1 (best)
C. Ex. 1 (worst), Ex. 3, Ex. 2, Ex. 4 (best)
D. Ex. 2 (worst), Ex. 4, Ex. 1, Ex. 3 (best)
Q6: Which system shows greater fan out?
A. System 1
B. System 2
Q7: Which system is a better design, all other things being equal?
A. System 1
B. System 2
Refer to the following program descriptions:
(1) Rearrange the Lender List (LL) in increasing order.
(2) DO WHILE I is between 1 and (number of lenders in the LL)-1
Set LOW to index of smallest value in LL
Interchange LL(I) with L(LOW)
Q8: Which program description is at a higher level of abstraction?
A. (1)
B. (2)
Q9: Program description (2) is suitable for a:
A. requirements definition.
B. conceptual design document.
C. technical design document.
D. program design document.