1. The Pentagon readings are an example of management and leadership in an event. What was successful and why? (reading from last week, analyze based upon all of the materials to date)
2. What is the difference between being deeply committed to a value and imposing your will on others? Why does a leader need to know the difference?
In what ways do individuals and organizations benefit from shared values?
Read this in order to answer the question:
GWU 9/11 study: observing and documenting the Inter-Organizational Response to the September 11 Attack on the Pentagon.pdf
Also read thus :
Strategic Leadership Primer2ndEd.pdf
the eight step training model disaster leadership.pdf
Read: Predicting Organizational Crisis Readiness – from PERI: go to www.riskinstitute.org/peri/ select the resource library. Click on disaster preparedness and then the letter P click on the title
Work on FEMA IS 240a Leadership and Influence, send certificate in upon completion
https://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.8226/pub_detail.asp Interesting read! added 12/10
forms of interorganizational learning.pdf
6 hats article – https://firechief.com/leadership/ar/problem-solving-approaches-200911//
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