
Example of an endorser who generated a pr crisis

Problem: Write a 3-5 page, double-spaced paper on the following: Celebrity endorsements present opportunities and threats to top brands. Select a negative example of an endorser who generated a PR crisis. The endorser can be an entertainer, athlete, or social media in?uencer. How did the affected brand(s) react to the bad news? What public relations tools did management use to conduct damage control? Was the public relations strategy proactive or reactive? What was the primary public relations objective? What else might the celebrity have done to rehabilitate his/her image and the brands with which he/ she was associated?

Paper Guidelines:

  • Cite and reference a minimum of four sources, which can include assignment reading.
  • Be sure to include your critical thinking and solid interpretations of the concepts.
  • Use APA Style citations and correct grammar and spelling.

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Other Subject: Example of an endorser who generated a pr crisis
Reference No:- TGS03359293

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