
Example model a scenario to show how extreme temperatures

TOPIC: HVAC System Modeling

Example: Model a scenario to show how extreme temperatures can impact the cost of energy in ($) consumption due to continuous air condition system usage. Be free to use hypothetical cases. (Modify topic or criteria as needed). Example southern US states can experience high heat in the summer which leads to high cost, Can there be an optimal use? Example, best setting or best time to use? Include table of values if necessary.

Model the optimal use scenario in Matlab, Simulink and Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation. Demonstrate your understanding of the use of Matlab and Simulink and interpretation in this project.

No prolonged writing. Simple short Project Case.


1. Employ at least two nonlinear differential equations

2. Define your parameters

3. Include Problem Definition

4. Include either hand written solved or typed mathematical problems

5. Model your situation in Matlab and Simulink

6. Run your model with realistic estimation of parameters

7. Run your simulation with realistic parameters and adding 5% normal noise. This means take the general amplitude of the data, square it, take 5% of that value and set the variance of the additive noise to that value.

8. Include Work Cited if any

9. Explain your solution, include some short write up as you go, and a conclusion summary

Hint: Does newton law come to play? Think about some nonlinear ODE's to employ.

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MATLAB Programming: Example model a scenario to show how extreme temperatures
Reference No:- TGS01156744

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