
Examining the potential effect of an economic crisis

Assignment task: Please add more supporting evidence or study which supports the theoretical underpinning below, and then discuss how it is related.

The theoretical underpinning of this study examines the potential effect of an economic crisis on children's educational outcomes. High inflation raises the costs of students' necessities, such as housing, food, and transportation, and will push up tuition costs, making it more important for students to spend less and earn more where possible, dealing with these financial pressures in senior high can be stressful. Carlos, (2009) in his study indicated that inflation is a global issue of concern because a larger proportion of the population has been affected, while the marginalized sectors are comparatively more affected where a larger portion of their income is destined for purchasing food items that are more important in daily living. During periods of inflation, a substantial increase in miseries may be expected of those who are already living below the poverty line and can be expected to drive others into poverty (ADB Report, 2008). This study supports that many parents need to work harder in order to give what their children need, especially in education. An inflation crisis affects educational outcomes such as school enrollment, attainment, attendance, and performance.

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