
Examining price of mobile telephone devices in free market

Examine the factors that determine the price of mobile telephone devices in a free market. Analyse with the aid of a diagram how prices have changed over the last 3 years.
The assignment must be maximum of 2000 words


Report format –


You are expected to use a wide range of sources for your research (e.g. journal articles, reports, books, magazines etc).

Your report must meet the following expectations:

Answer the question set and keep to the topic.

Demonstrate an understanding of relevant economic principles, concepts and theories;

Ability to provide insightful analysis of issues involved;

Ability to organise material with supporting evidence;

Skills in using diagram to explain economic ideas;

Knowledge of current issues relating to your assignment question – there should be evidence of thorough research.

Attach a reference and bibliography of the books and journal articles used in the assignment.  If there is sufficient evidence to prove that the essay has been copied from another student or from a book without proper acknowledgement of the sources (plagiarism), such an essay will receive a fail grade.

Adhere to the word limit.
Font size:    12
Spacing:    1.5-spaced

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-

• Understand and apply economic concepts,

• Understand and apply the main techniques of economic analysis

• Understand and apply diagrams effectively to demonstrate the impact of changes within a particular industry and interpret the findings.

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Managerial Economics: Examining price of mobile telephone devices in free market
Reference No:- TGS01403

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