Assignment: Deconstruction exercise
Deconstructing our questions.
This assignment is designed to enhance student criticality through examining common questions about Indigenous Australia. All of the questions contain factors that impact on understanding Indigenous health and a Culturally safe approach. Quite often when we ask a question we reveal something of ourselves in the way we have asked it. We may have made certain assumptions, or used language that was problematic, or shown a lack of understanding.
In order to be Culturally Safe nurses you will need to learn to co mmunicate in a Culturally Safe manner.
In this Assignment you are required to examine a question rather than attempt to answer it.
You are to deconstruct or ‘unpack ’ the wording of the question to determine its hidden meanings. Please read the ‘Deconstruction Example ’ below.
This is a critical writing exercise where you are asked to articulate :
• the assumptions being made in the question,
• the stereotypes being employed in the framing/wording of the question.
• how the question exhibits a lack of understanding.
Utilise the readings from the first three weeks to support your discussion. There will be activities in your tutorials to assist you with this assignment. Please read the following example carefully. It is in dot points and you would not need to pursue so many in your assignment, however , this list shows what might be understood from a question without answering it.
Choose one of the following questions to deconstruct;
1. Why are Aboriginal people prone to alcohol and substance abuse?
2. Why do Aboriginal people always have a criminal record?
3. Why do Aboriginal people get given everything?