Education in the 21st Century has become a high stakes game in which teachers and administrators alike are heavily scrutinized for student achievement. Perhaps none feel the pressure of this scrutiny more than teachers. In place of confidence and empowerment, many teachers feel ineffective and ill equipped to reach students today. Student achievement continues to plummet as a result of student disengagement. The future success of the educational system in the United States is dependent upon many things, one of which is the belief teachers have in themselves and their colleagues to deliver worthwhile and adequate instruction to help their students perform at or above prescribed academic standards. Teacher efficacy, both on an individualized and collective scale, is one of the strongest predictors of student achievement (Ross & Bruce, 2007).
Statement of the Problem Miskel, McDonald, and Bloom (1983, as cited in Lee, 2002) linked teacher efficacy to teacher behaviors which they concluded positively affect student: (a) achievement, (b) motivation, (c) self-concept, and (d) overall enthusiasm for school. If teacher efficacy, the belief that one has the ability to bring about learning, is vulnerable to the political scheme of standardization of assessment, which amplifies the stress of the job and results in good teachers who abandon the profession, then school reform must become centered on strategies to retain and further develop good teachers. Preservice 2 educators, inservice educators, and school administrators must examine ways to increase and fortify teacher efficacy.
Purpose of the Project The purpose of this project was to examine various methodologies to increase teacher efficacy and thereby empower teachers to become positive change agents within their profession. This author presented these methodologies in the form of a PowerPoint presentation so that school leaders and teachers may reference them in discussions to increase teacher efficacy with an overall goal of a positive impact on student achievement.
Recommendations for Future Research and Study
The main finding of this study was that teacher efficacy truly is the heart of school reform. The common theme throughout the study was the need for quality teachers simply because teachers directly affect student achievement more than any other factor. It is apparent that teachers must be supported in their growth professionally. Leaders who are able to aid in teachers? individual pursuit of professional goals reap the benefit of higher retention and greater job satisfaction from the perspective of teachers. As administrators provide opportunities for teachers to grow professionally through participation in activities, such as Professional Learning Communities, it is the responsibility of each individual teacher to take advantage of said opportunities, especially when there is a certain level of risk involved.
This researcher recommends more studies regarding methods to increase the efficacy of entire staff teams be researched. Such research would provide administrators concrete strategies to affect unhealthy school environments. In recognition that teachers who work in diverse populations generally encounter a variety of ethnic groups, this researcher recommends that more studies examine successful interactions between teachers and minority students be researched.